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definition for: #BGM

July 29, 2014
1 Definition for Hashtag #BGM
#BGM is the official hashtag for BrainGain Magazine (www.braingainmag.com), the leading Study Abroad magazine for students, their parents, and mid-career professionals in South Asia. We are the definitive source of information for anyone interested in exploring and learning about Study Abroad opportunities outside South Asia. Our primary target audience is between the ages of 16 and 35 years. We provide content to guide students and their parents through the decision-making process when exploring options to study abroad. The topics covered help readers understand fields of study, admissions, financing, specific countries, regions or cities, student life, scholarships, job prospects for chosen field, socio-cultural environments, safety and visa issues. Told through lively interviews, photos, videos and podcasts, we provide an interactive platform that helps students realize their dreams.
July 29, 2014
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