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definition for: #SpentFowl

October 15, 2013
1 Definition for Hashtag #SpentFowl
Spent Fowl are female chickens (hens) who have finished laying eggs for over a year period, their egg production rate is now dropping off, so they have been replaced by new, younger hens. Once declared to be a "Spent Fowl", the hen is either ground up while still alive, killed and landfilled, or sold as a "Spent Fowl" for use as pet food, fertilizer, compost, ground chicken, or some other similar fate. Since "Spent Fowl" can be imported duty-free into Canada, and Canadians are forced by the #ChickenMafia to pay 300% more for chicken than the equivalent chicken in the USA, there is a black market for smuggling every available Spent Fowl into Canada that can be obtained, as a cheaper supply of chicken meat.
October 15, 2013
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