
6 Ways To Make Your Hashtag Stand Out

February 6, 2014
Hashtags are very common on social media platforms which is why marketers have to put in more effort to stay unique and attractive to the target audience. Learn the basic rules on making effective hashtags then add some creativity to ensure that you stand out from the rest of the competition. Many marketers still commit the basic errors that hinder productivity. In this era of paid hashtag promotions, it would simply be a waste of resources if you don't do it right the first time.

1. Be brief and concise

Hashtags should be easy to read and understand. Many social media users only spend one to two seconds viewing the hashtag before they decide to click it or not. Use two to three words at most, providing the proper capitalization, numbers and spacing that will make it more visually friendly and appealing. Many social media users are bothered by people who use too many hashtags, or worse, place a hashtag in every word. It shows ignorance of the basic rules and lack of experience.

2. Focus on a subject

Being specific will help drive more customers to the hashtag -- because they understand the point of it all. Choose one particular topic to talk about then add one or two descriptions to separate it from others in the same class. For example, #SuperBowl2014 will easily lead people to think that the hashtag is about the biggest event in football for the year 2014. Make the topic distinct by adding the year, serial number or other adjectives.

3. Have a call to action

Invite people to join in and participate. Use words that alert and encourage others to join. It will also be more attractive to regular Twitter users and will more likely be retweeted throughout the network. The hashtag can include words that will inform people about the mechanics of the activity or at least an overview of things to expect. You can further describe the rules and guidelines in the following conversations.

4. Sweeten the deal with rewards

Social media users are more inclined to join hashtags where they can get freebies and incentives. Aside from giving fresh and useful information regularly, you can include in your call to action special prizes. Give incentives and small bonuses to active participants then choose one or more big winners. Invite people to use and share the hashtag to get a chance to win a prize.

5. Create hype

Build momentum over the next few days by adding pictures, videos and links. Also have active participants spread the word to others and share the minor prizes they may have earned after joining. Identify the most influential people in the conversation then build solid relationships with them. Your tweets can appear on their feed as well, to be seen by thousands of their own followers.

6. Manage trolls

A well-planned hashtag will prevent unnecessary attacks and trolling. Think of a good and catchy hashtag name that will help people relate and identify with your brand immediately. Answer questions in a respectful manner and reasonable period of time. Also learn how to deal with trolls and minor comments. Don't lash out at them as this will only make you look bad to your readers. Be open to suggestions and handle complaints professionally.

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