
Enhancing Your Twitter Profile Page

August 18, 2012
Twitter Bird by chaztoo, on Flickr Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.0 Generic License??by??chaztoo?
Twitter has built-in free themes to help make your profile page look more personalized and 'you'. However, these designs are limited and, likely, you're sharing a home page look with thousands of other Twitter users who found a fancy to that theme. Enhanced profile pages, or profile pages with designs that are uniquely yours, are a great way to establish yourself on Twitterverse. By applying enhancements to your profile, you build a page that best characterizes who you are so your followers?know you better. Because the digital universe caters mostly to users with very short attention spans, often, a interesting Twitter bio?is not enough to get you more followers. You'll have to carry a home page design that also catches their interest.

Enhanced Profiles As A Marketing Tool

Brand marketers use enhanced profiles to speak better with their target market. Their pages could contain photos of their products or services, so that anybody who clicks into their profiles will instantly understand the message without having to read through the bio. Enhanced Twitter profiles is visual marketing at its finest -- at least in this micro-blogging platform. Here are some pretty interesting profiles we've seen recently.  


At present, Twitter offers enhanced profile pages to select brands and partners only and has yet to open the feature to the public. Have you come across nifty profile pages, too? Share them in the comments!

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