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definition for: #365Games

May 14, 2013
1 Definition for Hashtag #365Games
Welcome to the lighter side of gaming. Our mission is to deliver exceptional, original and licensed, entertainment content across the world! We are a games distribution and publishing company who work on mobile games for Android?, BREW?, Blackberry?, iPhone?, Java?, Windows Mobile? and other emerging mobile platforms. 365 Games is the new face of Connect2Media, and we are dedicated to bringing you the best in games on your mobile device. We distribute and publish games all over the world and have offices in the UK, Poland, the Middle East and the USA. As well as publishing directly you can find our games via our partners from AT&T and Verizon in the USA to Orange and Vodafone in Europe putting our games within reach of billions of subscribers. Add to this our games on Android Marketplace, Apple?s App Store and outlets such as GetJar and our audience is truly global. Come and say hi on our wall, and ask us any questions you like. We will be posting competitions, as well as the latest gaming news, so make sure to come back! Join us for news, competitions, games and so much more!
May 14, 2013
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