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definition for: #45daysofservice

September 21, 2014
1 Definition for Hashtag #45daysofservice
Celebrating our 45 year anniversary through 45 days of service! (Oct 1-Nov 14). HandsOn Suburban Chicago (HOSC) is a valuable resource in Illinois for people looking to volunteer in Northern Cook and Northern DuPage counties. We recruit volunteers on behalf of 200+ social service agencies and schools, and we provide training and consulting to our member agencies. We also administer several direct service programs of our own and help companies of all sizes to develop and improve on their employee volunteer programs. Therefore, we serve three populations: the volunteers who wish to serve the community, the agencies we bring together and the businesses who want to invest in the community through volunteerism or financial support. We serve 44 communities and hope to inspire others to "Be the Change. Volunteer."
September 21, 2014
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