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definition for: #5300SeriesManureSpreader

May 28, 2015
1 Definition for Hashtag #5300SeriesManureSpreader
5300 Series Spreaders from Sioux Automation Center are built using the latest in spreader technologies to make your manure spreading more precise and faster. 5300 Series vertical beater spreaders can be fitted with scales and GPS for precise application control and recordkeeping. The vertical beaters of the 5300 Series Spreaders are designed to create more tolerance for managing foreign objects. Swinging hammers on the bottom of the beaters allow more forgiveness for rocks and other debris. 5/8” beater flights and 8-5/8” tube diameter meets the needs of the commercial applicator. 3/4” plastic throughout the interior of the box minimizes material freeze while promoting greater ease of material movement. The drive of the 5300 Series Spreaders uses a gearbox that is rated at 220HP and features SAC’s exclusive 3” gearbox output shaft.
May 28, 2015
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