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definition for: #A10GoArmy

March 18, 2015
1 Definition for Hashtag #A10GoArmy
To promote the transfer of the A-10 system and personnel from USAF to the Army, where it belongs. Interservice transfer of the entire A-10 system, aircraft, support equipment, and even personnel from the stunningly obtuse USAF to the U.S. Army is such a self-evident solution. Send the Warthogs to a new, appreciative home, with Team Army! The Army benefits the most from this dedicated, purpose-built Close Air Support (CAS) system, and should have its capabilities in-house. So that hard-won experience and skill capital can be conserved, transfer the personnel with the system, intact. If you agree, please Like and Share, and Forward this post to your representatives in government. Much love, Warthogs! #A10GoArmy -Doc Stephens
March 18, 2015
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