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definition for: #B2B2C2C

February 18, 2017
3 Definitions for Hashtag #B2B2C2C
Social Selling = Social Sharing, building strong relationships whether B2B or B2C … yet our clients and customers hold great influence when they refer us to their friends and connections, so I’ve added “C2C” in this equation. “Social C2C” for me means creating meaningful relationships with our existing clients and customers so they become our raving fans and share the message about us with their business connections and friends. I’m David Gross, CEO of “A New Way of Being in Business - Consulting and Training Inc.” and I share insights and strategies on Communicating to Connect with messages which ignite interest, influence and impact.
February 18, 2017
Social Selling = Social Sharing, building strong relationships whether B2B or B2C … yet our clients and customers hold great influence when they refer us to their friends and connections, so I’ve added “C2C” in this equation. “Social C2C” for me means creating meaningful relationships with our existing clients and customers so they become our raving fans and share the message about us with their business connections and friends. I’m David Gross, CEO of “A New Way of Being in Business - Consulting and Training Inc.” and I share insights and strategies on Communicating to Connect with messages which ignite interest, influence and impact.
February 18, 2017
Sharing strategies on “Communicating to Connect” with messages to build interest, influence and impact, B2B + B2C + C2C.
February 18, 2017
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