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definition for: #COS

April 25, 2014
1 Definition for Hashtag #COS
#COS means "Cauldron Of Stupid": It is how a group of people dubbed #TheCabal in a small corner of Twitterland refer to another group of people who said "NO!" To abuse, lies, harassment, intimidation, threats, ad hominem and DDoS attacks on sites, doxing, labeling, libeling, defaming, et al. #COS people will continue to stand in solidarity with the targets of #TheCabal or any other individual, group or entity who abuses or attempts to abuse our sisters and brothers; if we are stupid enough to be in #COS due to that we believe "We are our brother's keepers" And take it as the responsibility it is, so be it and proudly admit it as I do; I'm in the #COS. @CihuaMexica
April 25, 2014
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