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definition for: #CSolder

January 16, 2017
3 Definitions for Hashtag #CSolder
C-SOLDER is a trade name for a group of new tin-based lead-free low-temperature soldering alloys designed by Cametics Ltd. which enable joining of various carbon materials including carbon fibres or carbon nanotube fibres in both carbon-carbon and carbon-metal arrangements. The use of these alloys allows fast formation of mechanically strong bonds which are electrically conductive simultaneously.
January 16, 2017
C-SOLDER Type: SAC-1B:  Excellent wetting of carbon materials: graphite, carbon fibres, carbon nanotube fibres, graphene, etc.  Suitability for bonding in carbon-carbon and carbon-metal systems.  Soldering temperatures below 450°C.  Good mechanical and electrical properties.  Lead free.  Flux free.
January 16, 2017
active soldering alloy
January 16, 2017
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