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definition for: #Communicate2Connect

February 15, 2017
2 Definitions for Hashtag #Communicate2Connect
David Gross, CEO of “A New Way of Being in Business - Consulting and Training Inc.” shares insights and strategies to improve Social Selling awareness and opportunities in business – Communicating to Connect. LinkedIn found that 90% of top sales professionals are using social selling and Salesforce reports that 79% of salespeople who use social media as a selling tool outperform those who don’t. Social Selling is interpreted here as, “Strategies to build and maintain relationships of trust and integrity with existing and potential clients as part of the sales process by identifying your audience then reaching out and building relevant, authentic, pay it forward connections that result in mutually beneficial measurable business outcomes.”
February 15, 2017
David Gross, CEO of “A New Way of Being in Business - Consulting and Training Inc.” shares insights and strategies to improve Social Selling awareness and opportunities in business – Communicating to Connect. LinkedIn found that 90% of top sales professionals are using social selling and Salesforce reports that 79% of salespeople who use social media as a selling tool outperform those who don’t. Social Selling is interpreted here as, “Strategies to build and maintain relationships of trust and integrity with existing and potential clients as part of the sales process by identifying your audience then reaching out and building relevant, authentic, pay it forward connections that result in mutually beneficial measurable business outcomes.”
February 15, 2017
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