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definition for: #DPSSVolunteers

December 7, 2017
1 Definition for Hashtag #DPSSVolunteers
The Department of Public Social Services (DPSS) serves an ethnically and culturally diverse community through programs designed to both alleviate hardship and promote health, personal responsibility, and economic independence. These benefits are magnified by the kind and caring service offered by DPSS Volunteers Here are only a few examples: Toy Loan Centers Help operate a community toy library lending toys, books and games to community children or collect donations of usable toys and other items for the Toy Loan Centers. We have a variety of volunteer opportunities to offer interested citizens of all ages, including staff and particular organizations that wish to serve the community. Our program is designed to recruit and assign volunteers to projects that enhance, strengthen and expand services to participants in departmental programs. for an application packet necessary to register as a DPSS Volunteer. here for a Youth Volunteer Application packet to participate in our Youth Volunteer Program. Los Angeles County Department of Public Social Services Volunteer and Special Programs 2615 South Grand Ave., 2nd Floor Los Angeles, California 90007-2608 Tel: (213) 744-4348 Fax: (213) 743-9998 Email us at dpssvolunteers@dpss.lacounty.gov.
December 7, 2017
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