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definition for: #esa

October 22, 2014
1 Definition for Hashtag #esa
GRS Group - Environmental Site Assessment - Under federal and state laws, the owners of real estate can be liable for cleanup of hazardous substances and petroleum products released at their property. This is true even if the release occurred before the owner became involved in the property or has no other direct responsibility for the release. As a result, related cleanup costs have a material, and sometimes catastrophic, impact on the value of real estate. Related impacts on cash flow, leasing, resale and the ability to obtain financing can all be contributors to a diminution in value. Understanding of the environmental risks associated with property can help property owners, buyers, lenders and investors to protect hard-earned assets. GRS Group provides services to help clients identify environmental risks that can significantly impact their financial future. http://***
October 22, 2014
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