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definition for: #FOREX

October 31, 2013
4 Definitions for Hashtag #FOREX
#FOREX is (#NYSE:FXCM) Forex is a hybrid word that represents Foreign Exchange. It's most commonly used to describe foreign exchange trading. - #iDv8
October 31, 2013
Forex is changing one currency for another. In forex trading, the pairs are preset pairs that are paired up by brokers that allow account holders to make exchanges. The object of making the exchange is to hold the exchange until the value increase and then exchange the currency back. This will sound more complicated in explanation than it actually is in process. #Forex brokers offer currency pairs, such as #EUR/USD, which is European Dollar vs. the US Dollar. - #iDv8
October 31, 2013
My Four Ex "girlfriends" or For "Rex", my old business partner. Either I wouldn't waste my time with #FOREX, try #4XTrade, #CoolTrade or #CoolTradePro.
October 31, 2013
September 15, 2019
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