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definition for: #FairTrial

March 23, 2016
1 Definition for Hashtag #FairTrial
FairTial is the basic notion that in free countries any court proceedings including the trial are on an equal and fair basis and transparency is given. Western Europeans, Australians and North Americans assume to always get a FAIRTrial in their countries. But this is often not the case depending either on the case or on the country or on the province. In particular, Bavaria is a province where recent scandals have shown there is NO FairTrial in 99% of ALL trials which is more or less the case for all of Germany. In the year 2016 the MEP from Britain UKIP got the confirmation from the EUCommission that the principle of a FairTrial is NOT given in all EU countries. Art.6 of the ECHR EuropeanConvention of HumanRights in Strasbourg is now part of the EUlaws e.g. EUCharterofHumanRights in force just recently. Criminal Law applied in trials is not yet part of EU laws and treaties. Only the ECHR in Strasbourg can change a verdict at this time in the year 2016. The EU Court in Luxembourg can not change a verdict e.g. an individual can no appeal there only in Strasbourg.
March 23, 2016
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