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definition for: #floatyourboat

February 15, 2015
1 Definition for Hashtag #floatyourboat
The Amnesty International WA Refugee Group encourage people to light a candle on a small boat to remember all those who have tried to seek safety on Australian shores. It doesn't matter where, it could be at your local beach, in a river, in a backyard swimming pool, in your bath-tub, or even in a bucket. Whoever you are, whether it's just yourself, your family, your neighbours, or a school, church, community organisation, small business or large corporation. We welcome all expressions of kindness. Please remember the surrounding environment and retrieve your boat after the event. But wherever it is, whoever you are, or whatever your boat looks like, we'd love you to share your photos, so use #FloatYourBoat
February 15, 2015
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