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definition for: #HDFCbank_dont_cares

October 13, 2017
11 Definitions for Hashtag #HDFCbank_dont_cares
HDFC bank customers social media platform to put their complaints which are not getting addressed properly. It's the voc of hdfc bank's banking & credit card customers. With social media getting powerfull, the hashtag will ensure faster resolution for the complaints we raised with single #. The banks response to the customers is real concern now. Hope this will help to improve the service
October 13, 2017
Customers voice
October 13, 2017
Lets talk big
October 13, 2017
Need faster resolution
October 13, 2017
HDFC bank customers social media platform to put their complaints which are not getting addressed properly. It's the voc of hdfc bank's banking & credit card customers. With social media getting powerfull, the hashtag will ensure faster resolution for the complaints we raised.
October 13, 2017
HDFC bank customers social media platform to put their complaints which are not getting addressed properly. It's the voc of hdfc bank's banking & credit card customers. With social media getting powerfull, the hashtag will ensure faster resolution for the complaints we raised.
October 13, 2017
HDFC bank customers social media platform to put their complaints which are not getting addressed properly. It's the voc of hdfc bank's banking & credit card customers. With social media getting powerfull, the hashtag will ensure faster resolution for the complaints we raised.
October 13, 2017
HDFC bank customers social media platform to put their complaints which are not getting addressed properly. It's the voc of hdfc bank's banking & credit card customers. With social media getting powerfull, the hashtag will ensure faster resolution for the complaints we raised.
October 13, 2017
0 HDFC bank customers social media platform to put their complaints which are not getting addressed properly. It's the voc of hdfc bank's banking & credit card customers. With social media getting powerfull, the hashtag will ensure faster resolution for the complaints we raised.
October 13, 2017
0 HDFC bank customers social media platform to put their complaints which are not getting addressed properly. It's the voc of hdfc bank's banking & credit card customers. With social media getting powerfull, the hashtag will ensure faster resolution for the complaints we raised.
October 13, 2017
0 HDFC bank customers social media platform to put their complaints which are not getting addressed properly. It's the voc of hdfc bank's banking & credit card customers. With social media getting powerfull, the hashtag will ensure faster resolution for the complaints we raised.
October 13, 2017
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