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definition for: #MassCasSim

February 9, 2018
1 Definition for Hashtag #MassCasSim
Mass Casualty Simulation is a Major Training event or Exercise whereby Emergency Responders, law enforcement and Military organisations can work together in a safe controlled environment. Typically these exercises are planned months in advance and require close coordination. Mass Casualties, in the form of hyperealistic high fidelity simulation mannequins are provided to add realism to the training event or exercise. Simulation bodies can be pre-positioned prior to the exercise or training event starting and can work in almost any climate or environment. Sim Bodies can present with any imaginable injury associated with blunt trauma such as gun shot wounds, stabbing, IED burn or blast injuries and traumatic amputation. The airways are anatomically correct which means that they can receive Nasal or Oral Pharyngeal tubes and the Sim Body can be intubated and bagged with realistic feedback. They can be made up to present with massive arterial bleeding with the effect of a radio frequency controlled blood pump.
February 9, 2018
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