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definition for: #MasterMyMessage

April 22, 2017
5 Definitions for Hashtag #MasterMyMessage
As CEO of “A New Way of Being in Business - Consulting and Training Inc.” I am inspired to share insights and strategies to help businesses grow by building and maintaining relationships of trust and integrity with existing and potential clients as part of the sales process. This is often referred to as Social Selling, but in fact it all starts with Social Sharing and it all starts with messaging that makes us stand out from the crowd. I use the revolutionary BANKCODE system to identify what existing and potential clients value most, then align marketing and sales messaging through the scripting of written and spoken language we can use to build relevant, authentic, pay it forward connections that result in mutually-beneficial measurable business outcomes.
April 22, 2017
A New Way of Being in Business is for me, all about connecting with our audience of existing and potential clients. As we Master Our Message to reflect what makes us unique and when we connect from a place of authenticity, we will attract those who resonate with us and are in alignment with our values and our vision.
April 22, 2017
Social Selling is all about Social Sharing - and in order to connect with others, being authentic, honest and perhaps even vulnerable is to me not only a great opportunity but also a gift to those who connect with us. As we Master our Message, we will Communicate to Connect - bringing us all closer.
April 22, 2017
Redefine ROI is all about the Return on the Interest we generate, the Influence we have and the Impact we make. By Mastering our Message, we can accomplish all 3 through genuinely Communicating to Connect.
April 22, 2017
As CEO of “A New Way of Being in Business - Consulting and Training Inc.” I am inspired to share insights and strategies to help businesses grow by building and maintaining relationships of trust and integrity with existing and potential clients as part of their marketing and sales processes. I use the revolutionary BANKCODE™ system to identify what clients value most, then align marketing and sales messaging through the scripting of written and spoken language we can use to build relevant, authentic, pay it forward connections that result in mutually-beneficial measurable business outcomes.
October 19, 2017
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