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definition for: #MyGlue

February 9, 2018
1 Definition for Hashtag #MyGlue
#MyGlue is used in recognition of UK charity MHA's 2018 music single, Glue. 'Glue' is the story of Stan and Ruth Grimmett - a lifetime of love torn apart by dementia. Married in 1968, Stan and Ruth lived a happy life, filled with love and surrounded by family, before Stan's diagnosis of vascular dementia. Despite this devastating condition claiming most of his memories, he was still able to let Ruth know that she'd been the love of his life; the Glue that had been holding him on. With the support of Ruth and the rest of Stan's family, MHA aimed to raise £10,000 to provide music therapy to people living with dementia. The charity encouraged supporters to help reach their fundraising target by downloading the track, making a donation and sharing the official music video with friends and family. Music therapy is a group-led or one-to-one treatment that helps to alleviate some of the symptoms of dementia – such as agitation and anxiety – experienced by Stan and millions of others. It gives people living with dementia a chance to unlock special memories and express emotions and feelings that other forms of communication cannot, even if the individual is no longer able to speak or respond to other people’s words. Stan wasn’t able to benefit from this life-enhancing therapy before his death. However, thanks to crowdfunding, thousands more people like him living with the devastating impact of dementia might. To learn more, please visit: www.BestForAges.com/Glue
February 9, 2018
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