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definition for: #NAFC

January 30, 2014
3 Definitions for Hashtag #NAFC
National Association of Forensic Counselors - The first certification board to develop standards, define, and establish the specialty professions of Forensic Counselor and Criminal Justice Specialist.
January 30, 2014
Acronym for the National Association of Forensic Counselors, the originators of the specialty profession of forensic counseling and the first and largest certification board offering nationally accredited certifications serving the Forensic Counselor and Criminal Justice Specialist
March 3, 2014
NAFC - National Association of Forensic Counselors, the first certification board to establish standards, guidelines, and professional responsibility to identify a competent workforce in the mental health, criminal justice, addictions and corrections professions in the very specialized areas of forensic counseling and criminal justice counseling and supervision. The establishment of the very first valid certification programs for the Forensic Counselor and Criminal Justice Specialist are efforts the NAFC has made to enhance delivery of safe and effective treatment of offenders in both civil and criminal cases, improve communication between the clinician and the criminal justice system as well as for the protection of the public. Today, the National Association of Forensic Counselors is the first and largest independent multi-disciplinary credentialing board offering nationally accredited certifications representing the Forensic Counselor and Criminal Justice Specialist.
March 3, 2014
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