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definition for: #NEWeek2Enroll

January 21, 2015
1 Definition for Hashtag #NEWeek2Enroll
Enroll Nebraska and its members are excited to introduce the Nebraska Week to Enroll happening February 1-7, 2015. As part of its mission to help enroll individuals and families in coverage through the Health Insurance Marketplace, Enroll Nebraska is working to promote extended hours, enrollment events, and special activities taking place at enrollment assister sites throughout the state. Over these 7 days in February, our goals are to? 1. organize and promote enrollment events and extended hours at enrollment sites throughout the state 2. enroll or renew 625 individuals in health insurance coverage 3. help Nebraskans avoiding over $200,000 in penalty fees ($325 each person enrolled) by not enrolling in coverage
January 21, 2015
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