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definition for: #ObamaSW

April 18, 2014
1 Definition for Hashtag #ObamaSW
"This book marries interviews and some little-known historical tidbits about President Obama's culture and life experience with fictional dialogues and events which could have taken place in any corner of the world. ...illustrated with wonderful photography of places the President has lived in and/or been connected to in addition to creative artwork. I was taken on a journey around the planet from Hawaii to Kenya. Each chapter felt like I was moving from one exhibition to another in a museum or art gallery. I liken it to walking through a documentary. The fictional accounts provided me an opportunity to consider how Barack Obama's rise to the most powerful office in the United States has touched and inspired people across all classes, genders, ages, and ethnicities. Obama Search Words is well-crafted, informative, and enlightening." Raychelle Writes blog
April 18, 2014
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