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definition for: #PACKAGINGLINES

October 15, 2015
2 Definitions for Hashtag #PACKAGINGLINES
Cigarette packaging lines. Low cost highly profitable packaging lines Built with alacrity, these packaging lines have continuous duty cycles Wrapping, Boxing into bigger cartons, over wrapping the cartons with BOPP films - these lines have plug N play functionality. These Budhan packaging lines can be readily adapted to every confectionery product or allied other products too ! Budhan also quickly turns around any client blue prints, and build to precise specifications at Lower Costs of Ownership.
October 15, 2015
Cigarette packaging lines. Low cost highly profitable packaging lines Built with alacrity, these packaging lines have continuous duty cycles Wrapping, Boxing into bigger cartons, over wrapping the cartons with BOPP films - these lines have plug N play functionality. These Budhan packaging lines can be readily adapted to every confectionery product or allied other products too ! Budhan also quickly turns around any client blue prints, and build to precise specifications at Lower Costs of Ownership.
October 15, 2015
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