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definition for: #PH90117

April 26, 2017
1 Definition for Hashtag #PH90117
September 1, 2017 is the official launch of "The Greatest Jersey Ever" children's book commemorating Paul Henderson, the hero of the 1972 Summit Series who scored the game winning goals for Team Canada in the final three games of the series. The project is 100% Canadian - including the author, artist, illustrators, publisher and printing of the book. Classic Auctions says it has been informed that Guinness classified Paul Henderson’s jersey as the most expensive hockey jersey ever sold at auction. September 28th, 1972 - The 1972 Summit Series between Canada and the Soviet Union - Game Eight, the series had the Soviet Union with three wins, Canada with three wins and one contest ending in a tie. The series came down to a single game, and it's one that has been glorified for decades. Paul Henderson celebrated after scoring the Series winning-goal against the Soviet Union with 34 seconds remaining (at the Luzhniki Ice Palace in Moscow) The rest is, as they say...HISTORY! Most Canadians over the age of 50 remember exactly where they were when Paul Henderson scored the series clinching goal over the Soviet Union in 1972. It was the politically charged era of the cold war. And the ‘Summit Series’ as it was dubbed, was more than just a friendly 8 game exhibition series. It became a symbolic battle between two very different ideologies. . . Communism vs. Democracy. In fact, many players felt as though the games were like fighting a war.
April 26, 2017
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