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definition for: #ProphecyoftheWhiteRider

August 25, 2014
1 Definition for Hashtag #ProphecyoftheWhiteRider
Prophecy of the white rider His necessary talents will be summoned "This prophecy was given by the Lord that the earth would know that mercy and His love endures and lives. May you eat of the fruit of His love as you read this book and perceive the reflection of His heart toward the world in this day and in this hour." ~The Lord on His throne In the moments of these late hours of the earth, His mercy is rich in the power of love. He is a God rich in mercy. His richness has afforded him a Son. His Son was His prize possession, His medal of honor, His symbol of love to the earth. He taught His Son to ride above the earth, close to His heart until His final destination arrived. Clothed in white He sits seated next to the Father; The Worthy White Rider. In the fullness of His love for the earth He will ride again. In His love for mankind His necessary talents will be summoned, for He is the hope of the nations to the four corners of the earth; to touch the hearts of mankind and teach them to ride, victoriously. This is the end time prophecy of the worthy White Rider." Recorded by C. L. Thomas
August 25, 2014
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