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definition for: #R4kDiscblades

May 1, 2015
1 Definition for Hashtag #R4kDiscblades
Because you encounter different conditions in surface mining, we have created the R4k disc blades the best in rock cutting with a hard edge coating to fulfill your rock cutting needs, these can also be ordered in various sizes The R4k disc blades come in 4mm, 6mm, 8mm and 12mm to accommodate any machine you mount it. Long Life wheels are made up of high performance alumina and resin bond which ensure extended life along with high material removal. These wheels are mainly preferred for heavy fabrication applications such as ?v? grooving. Fast Cut wheels are made up of quality abrasives and unique cloth reinforcement which provide quick stock removal on hard metals. These wheels are preferred for debarring and finishing. Email sales@dncgroup.co.za Website www.dncgroup.co.za
May 1, 2015
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