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definition for: #RacismPCTest

July 25, 2016
1 Definition for Hashtag #RacismPCTest
Racism is rising once again on both sides. Just talking about it in terms of being offensive, denying it or condemning it is not enough. Maybe something more needs to be done than just venting angrily , or feeling crushed by rules of political correctness. Professionals take tests before they go out to work in public spaces: driving tests, piloting tests, achievement tests, medical tests, etc. The idea is to identify and intervene BEFORE the worst happens. It may produce deeper reflection on ones' own behaviors while starting a dialogue on very specific issues between opposing groups. It is better to question the value of a TEST than of a human life. If the test helps, great. If it doesn't we can say we tried....and look for better solutions. But for starters, there's a need to put the brakes on the race of racism towards a bad, bad place for all concerned. I have no idea HOW one could develop such a test. Maybe the academics in Psychology and Assessment could shed some light on this. Maybe the hashtag could start a public debate.
July 25, 2016
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