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definition for: #ReimagineAging

February 19, 2015
1 Definition for Hashtag #ReimagineAging
The 50+expo is Nova Scotia's premiere event showcasing entertainment, information, resources, products and services for healthy aging, and of multi-generational interest. To be held June 12 & 13 at Exhibition Park in Halifax, Nova Scotia, this year's event will be a special treat. A community built upon selfless acts of others, partnerships, and collaborations, we recognize our inter-dependencies and fully appreciate the value of joining our strengths to make a better future for all. No one succeeds alone, no one fails alone; we are a community! Mindful that the freedom to reimagine pathways to a brighter future is made possible by our veterans, military, police, and other first responders, they are the focus of the upcoming 50+expo 2015, and the theme tagline is, ?Sacrifices of the past . . . bringing strength and hope to the future.? We are reimagining the 50+expo for this new 2015 event, and there is no better way to herald this refreshed spirit than to pay tribute to those to whom we owe so very much, our veterans, military, police, and first responders! 'ReimagineAging' is about identifying and learning about new and alternative pathways, attitudes, and resources to engage as our bodies and lives change. There is more than one life in a life.
February 19, 2015
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