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definition for: #SocialEmotionalIntelligence

May 7, 2016
1 Definition for Hashtag #SocialEmotionalIntelligence
Since nothing & nobody exists on its own and everything is a collective & common achievement, the Social-Emotional-Intelligence is the only real Intelligence there is ! - The only Intelligence able to solve the enormous social-economic conflicts of today, and essential for our collective efforts to survive the environmental challenges of the future. Social Emotional Intelligence (SEI) is our capacity to recognize our own, and other people's emotions, to differentiate & communicate these feelings and to put them into a constructive & responsible relationship to our natural & social environment. SEI is our ability to join empathy & emotions with rational observations & abstract thinking to enhance thoughts & understanding of interpersonal dynamics & collective consciousness. This is fundamental for all our philosophical, political & economical thinking, and absolutely necessary for any conflict resolution. Certain ideas & belief-systems have compromised our social-emotional thinking and misguided our entire behavior. This became a mental disease which spread thru schools & social-media like a virus or a meme. This lack of real intelligence has now infested all our minds globally. Humanity seems to have lost its common sense ! Consequently, any effort to change, reform or renew is doomed to fail, unless the healing process begins right here & now with our Social-Emotional-Intelligence.
December 28, 2016
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