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definition for: #SoundBook

June 24, 2017
3 Definitions for Hashtag #SoundBook
A Metaphysical Book entitled, SOUND—The Fabric of Soul, Consciousness, Reality, and the Cosmos.
June 24, 2017
A metaphysical and spiritual book entitled SOUND—The Fabric of Soul, Consciousness, Reality, and the Cosmos. Sound is authored by Musicians and Humantitarians, João Mendes and Ramiro Mendes of the Mendes Brothers. The Book was released on March 21, 2017. Sound is available worldwide on Amazon. Visite: www.thebookonsound.com for additional information.
June 24, 2017
Sound is a uplifting book about the human essences of soul, consciousness, reality, and the living energy behind nature and the cosmos. The book explores the realms of thought, emotion, attention, intention, mind, soul, consciousness, music, rhythm, and reality from a refreshing and intuitive perspective. Using sound as the tool to probe human reality, the authors also present new insights into the essence of peace, agreements, health, and the evolution of human society while offering unconventional solutions to human conflict and the survival of our species and our planet. Sound is based on the authors’ personal experiences and on timeless traditional wisdom, music, and ancient cosmology, combined with the latest research in physics, biology, and subtle energy.
June 24, 2017
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