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definition for: #TMBTAyurvedicAlmond

1 Definition for Hashtag #TMBTAyurvedicAlmond
From its sweet aroma to its silky soft feel, almond oil has a variety of health benefits that aid your body from the inside out. Most people are aware of the health benefits of just eating almonds themselves, but almond oil offers even more incredible benefits. Essential oils of any kind are made by pressing the source until its natural oils are extracted. This means that the oils are pure and will not have any source of adverse effects. The only thing to be wary of when using almond oil is nut allergies; if you are allergic to nuts, you?ll want to steer clear. Almond oil has been used for thousands of years, and was introduced by Ayurveda more than 5,000 years ago. In India, those specializing in Ayurveda began using almond oil to aid nearly every type of skin condition as well as in relaxation treatments. Almond oil is loaded with vitamins and minerals that are good for your body?s surface as well as internally. Vitamin E is the most prevalent vitamin found in almond oil, and it also contains rich amounts of calcium and magnesium. Triangle Massage and Bodywork Therapies Spa Raleigh, Durham and Chapel Hill, NC Mitch Meiners, NCLMBT 11161 6900 Six Forks Road, Suite 111 Raleigh, NC 27615 TMBT@me.com (919) 539-0337 TMBT.me
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