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definition for: #TeslaTeam

March 25, 2017
2 Definitions for Hashtag #TeslaTeam
Fast, Simple, Actionable - Social Media Strategies for Artists.
March 25, 2017
TeslaTeam brings light to Social Media, giving the Best Practice for Artists and Creative individuals from 1999. Name TeslaTeam is the tribute to Serbian inventor and scientist Nikola Tesla. In his honor, we have built several sites: teslalux.com, teslaluxacademy.com, tesla.company and accounts on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and YouTube. Our solutions are fast, simple and actionable. All based on experience and constant learning, applied and forged through practice. Founder of TeslaTeam is Valerija Brkljac. On Twitter: @Valerija
March 25, 2017
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