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definition for: #TimeCanBreakYourHeart

June 24, 2017
1 Definition for Hashtag #TimeCanBreakYourHeart
TIME CAN BREAK YOUR HEART is a film unlike almost anything being produced these days. It’s romantic, nostalgic, touching, and free from irony. Whilst it is, in the end, quite sad... it’s the kind of sadness that has you leaving the theater with a greater understanding of how love is the central animating force that keeps us all alive. This type of story is of a piece with the two other films I’m developing: THE WALTZ LESSON and UNICORN, both of which explore the most vulnerable parts of the human heart. In approaching how to tell this story on film, I have a specific technical and photograph-ic approach. Without wanting to give away too much of the plot, I can say that it takes place in two “worlds”, one dreamier than the other. The intent is to make these worlds very visually different from each other.
June 24, 2017
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