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definition for: #UBERSTYLISTA

March 20, 2014
1 Definition for Hashtag #UBERSTYLISTA
?berStylista Lux by N/K. is women's luxurious high end fashion apparel line inspired by various different elements which are translated onto beautiful high quality fabrics. ?berStylista Lux collection is immensely Influenced by wide array of cultures, objects, elements, events, colors, individuals all throughout the world, all combined in one amazing collection that will be launched in Summer 2014. Our garments transparent beautiful, timeless, chic,avant garde, daring, modern, urban, yet sleek, contemporary women clothing designs.Our hope is that we will bring you new garments that will win your hearts and will be a part of your wardrobe collection! ?berStylista Lux offers luxurious feel and quality garments that also combines fashion and functionality at very affordable prices Where Fashion is Reborn...
March 20, 2014
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