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definition for: #Waketheforkup

November 26, 2014
1 Definition for Hashtag #Waketheforkup
Gary Watson from Wake The Fork UP?! will be launching his book "Wake The Fork UP?! on Amazon.com on Dec. 30th. His specialty is coaching clients, teaching them how to lose 10, 15, even 20 Pounds of Fat in 30 Days or Less! ?One man?s food is another mans poison?. In other words YOU have a specific Nutritional Metabolic Type that absolutely determines how YOU should eat, and it could be completely different than your neighbors, parents, or even siblings. In order to Look, Feel, Be YOUR Best, you must learn this simple, yet specific trick. He will be providing a FREE copy of his Nutritional Metabolic Type Test. Gary Watson's book introduces his Premier Total Body Transformation Coaching Program.
November 26, 2014
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