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definition for: #ZBlackwoodChronicles

June 24, 2017
1 Definition for Hashtag #ZBlackwoodChronicles
"The Zylphia Blackwood Chronicles." A multi-book dark/gaslamp fantasy series, featuring Zylphia Blackwood, Victorian-era necromancer, as created by author Rowan Severman. Currently a WIP. Along with her undead, accident-prone fop of an ex-betrothal and a particularly chatty troupe of disembodied souls, Zylphia Blackwood embarks upon a fantastic journey -- one that can logically only include activities of questionable morality and dark goings-on. Fueled by dark secrets and hastily made decisions, Zylphia vows to discover the true identity of the maniac responsible for the recent string of prostitute murders in Whitechapel. In what promises to be a hair-raising -- and, at times, uncivilized -- undertaking, sketchy methods will be employed, personal ethics will be redefined, and, of course, the dead will be raised.
June 24, 2017
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