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definition for: #b2gr

January 25, 2016
1 Definition for Hashtag #b2gr
#b2gr is the hashtag for the "Build To Grow" book 14 New Easy-To-Implement Strategies Help C-Suite Execs Slash Employee Turnover, Marketing, Healthcare Costs By 10% Or More C-Suite execs face a growing firestorm of profit-killers: Sky-high healthcare and marketing costs, constantly shaky and shifting technology landscapes, and an unparalleled turnover rate... with typical (median) employee replacement costs now at 21.4% of annual salary*. A new book launches today aimed at taking down these challenges.... “Many C-Suite execs feel like their companies are in a financial and competitive straight-jacket. After months of searching for best-in-breed solutions to C-Suite challenges in our mastermind group, we decided to publish our top strategies in this book,” says Miguel de Jesus, one of 14 co-authors of “Build To Grow” which is currently climbing the best-seller charts on Amazon. “We wanted [the book] to give busy executives a sigh of relief, and I think we’ve accomplished that.” Full details on the book, its authors, and a list of free book bonuses is available now at www.BuildToGrowBook.com.
January 25, 2016
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