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definition for: #beyondshocked

July 23, 2015
1 Definition for Hashtag #beyondshocked
This definition is used to describe the current racist views that are prevailing in America as it relates to race relations. Whose evolution began to materialize in late 2013 and appears to be steadily gaining momentum to the horror of many decent American citizens. It is the idea or notion that African Americans are inhuman, ignorant, violent, criminals and therefore deserve the harshest treatment when confronted by Caucasian law officials. The notion that it is okay to be judge and jury of our young black men and women is inhuman and unconstitutional. And yet the very government that is supposed to protect all Americans have so far been unable to control the out flux of violence now being displayed by Caucasian police officers all over America. To the horror and shock of everyone. Who will find a solution or must we begin to accept that we must live in fear in American just because of the color of our skin again.
July 23, 2015
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