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definition for: #calcularium

February 22, 2019
2 Definitions for Hashtag #calcularium
February 22, 2019
This is a unique product for a small touch screen device that really unleashes the Power of Touch Interface as it was intended to be. Calcularium’s gesture language is build on micro-interactions and is nailed down to the following: Swipe left and right to navigate among Functions Section, Conversion Section, and Numbers/Operators Keypad; Tap to add/delete, and Force Touch or Long-Press to Edit or Open. The design language of the Calcularium is based on tokens. All tokens are of the same structure: the left part shows a type of the element, the right part has a result or an entered value and its name on top. In addition to tokens there are pure numbers and math operators. You can set an expression as a variable with the goal to use it afterwards in other expressions and give every component a clear name to recall what it stands for easily. Create a calculation, and next time you reuse it from History section, every component will clearly speak to you. We’ve investigated and leveraged all relevant technologies and UX conventions Apple provides to create a star product for you. Consistency and Coherence of the system makes it amazingly powerful while ingeniously simple. Our team of engineers, designers, and math junkies has spent 6 months to build stellar interactions, to create seamless UX, and to provide solid math background for Calcularium. Embrace the power!
February 22, 2019
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