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definition for: #comewithus7Eleven

June 22, 2017
1 Definition for Hashtag #comewithus7Eleven
Girls are going places, Come with US!, Vote for me and my dream of owning my own business. This means you believe in women owning businesses, girls can grow up and be anything they want, and that when you work even harder anything is possible. I believe in people genuinely caring for one another and waking up to give back in ANY way they can. I believe HARD WORK PAYS OFF and that everything happens for a reason. I'm learning about life along the way too and nobody is perfect. I was laid off and I am determined to never work for the existential 'man' again. I entered the 7-Eleven women's franchise giveaway contest knowing it was a long shot but also knowing that I love 7-Eleven and that it would be beyond cool to own one and run one. I am campaigning on the platform of helping the Montessori Education Fund and kids everywhere to see that they can be anything when they grow up. I have 18 years of experience, have been leading teams since '02, bring strong business acumen, SWOT analysis skills, a proactive/solution oriented attitude, a value add of +20% to LY, & I give back!
June 22, 2017
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