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definition for: #disabilityparticipation

June 11, 2018
4 Definitions for Hashtag #disabilityparticipation
Community-based organizations and researchers working together to advance physical activity, mobility and employment participation for people living with a disability.
June 11, 2018
Employment Participation: Design, test, and implement evidence-based practices that will increase both the number of people with disabilities who participate in the labour market, as well as the quality of participation.
June 11, 2018
Mobility Participation: Develop a better understanding of how people with mobility impairments move about their communities, and to then use that information to design, test and implement strategies to improve both the extent and quality of participation in community mobility.
June 11, 2018
Sport and Exercise Participation: Develop, test and implement evidence-based best-practices to increase the number of people with disabilities who participate in sport and exercise, and to improve the quality of their participation experiences.
June 11, 2018
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