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definition for: #easterchicks

February 9, 2017
1 Definition for Hashtag #easterchicks
The Carers' Resource annual fundraising campaign to help support #carers in #Yorkshire. #Carers look after a relative or friend who has an illness, disability or an addiction. Their role is unpaid and often relentless and 24/7. Charity @CarersResource, which has offices in Bradford, Skipton and Harrogate, runs an annual #easterchicks fundraising campaign to help fund much-needed breaks for #carers. Anyone can be a #carer and it can happen suddenly because of a sudden illness or accident, or it can creep up gradually as a parent becomes increasingly frail. #caring can be isolating and overwhelming. #Carers need breaks so they can recharge their batteries, learn and pursue skills and hobbies, and relax so they can carry on to care with confidence. The knitted #easterchicks covers are kindly created by our knitting volunteers. 2017 is the tenth year of our chicks and this year's theme is 'all colours of the rainbow'. We've had a regal theme for the Queen's Jubilee, and cycling to mark the #TourdeFrance #GrandDepart. For more info visit www.carersresource.org
February 9, 2017
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