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definition for: #iDv8

October 31, 2013
1 Definition for Hashtag #iDv8
iDv8 Inc. was the parent company of #Dizzler a online media player and music search engine that over 10,000,000 registered members and 50 million monthly visitors (with app), first company to index #youtube, provide favorites, stream channel to #myspace, save favorites and share with friends. Cutting edge technology for 2005, first 1-100 to get #apple #SDKKit on day one. 1st to stream media to mobile phone 2006, first to go out of business when the economy crashed... lol, that sucked. - #MrDizzler (Bray Pike), also Original Founder, creative mind behind media search engine and indexing patent pending technology. iDv8 Inc. (Dizzler.com), Bray Pike/Founder, Brack Jaskey/SEO, Adam Pollachino/COO, Andrew Lowenstein/CFO, Bill Brisky/CTO, Roger Daniels/VP Sales, Allan Kaplan/Advisor Board Patent: Bray Pike (USPTO Applicaton #: #20080071830) iDv8 Inc./ Dizzler - Media Search Engine & Player | www.dizzler.com
October 31, 2013
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