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definition for: #mercuryfreeprocessing

August 16, 2018
2 Definitions for Hashtag #mercuryfreeprocessing
Support our Mandate to implement and execute “Green, Sustainable and Profitable” #cyanidefreeprocessing and #mercuryfreeprocessing with #safelasermining #greengoldmining Community Initiatives Be a part of the #greengoldmining Community Solution. Donate ETH: 0x0a7C095B430742D96C723aFd5daE1Ef0F6ee3408 BTC: 3BXNxbMX63P9CM36L4Fi9UTa9Uw35gNsKz #alchemylgcoin utility token is listed, traded and operates on Waves-DEX open blockchain platform for Crowdfunding sale now.
August 16, 2018
Alchemy Mining Group, Inc. fueling Alchemy Liquid Gold Coin© Digital Currency - A Blockchain Smart Futures Contract Gold Coin Asset Backed. We have created a digital currency on the Waves - (DEX) decentralized exchange proof of stake, open market blockchain platform. “AlchemyLGCoin©" utility token is live and listed for early pre-token sale Crowdfunding with 100% token bonus now. We own a 50% equity and board control of Alquimia y Explotación Minera San Juan Alquiexmi S.A., an Ecuador gold mining company with granted mineral rights on two gold mine concessions. The Bella Rica concession has been artisanally mined and exploited by our joint venture partner blasting a 1.3 Km main underground main tunnel MINA SAN JUAN” with 2 extensions extracting ore from 3 identified veins of 9 known veins and producing gold since 2012. Support our Mandate to implement and execute “Green, Sustainable and Profitable” #cyanidefreeprocessing and #mercuryfreeprocessing with #safelasermining #greengoldmining Community Initiatives. Responsible gold ore processing will begin with our own gold ore mined from MINA SAN JUAN to encourage responsible development of ASGM operations with a clear commitment for present and future generations in the Bella Rica mining district. Be a part of the #greengoldmining Community Solution. Donate ETH: 0x0a7C095B430742D96C723aFd5daE1Ef0F6ee3408 BTC: 3BXNxbMX63P9CM36L4Fi9UTa9Uw35gNsKz Thank you
August 16, 2018
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