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definition for: #revola

February 8, 2018
1 Definition for Hashtag #revola
Romicon Revola a.k.a Romi is a contemporary visual artist based in Bangalore. Trained as a sculptor at the Bruce Chappel Atelier in San Francisco she has experimented with a variety of media. Her work encompasses monumental public sculpture, installation, painting, and video. "My work often explores that mysterious, elusive space that lies between the utopian and the dystopian. While suggesting both intimacy and a monumentality, my approach reflects the paradigm “the personal is the global". I believe that each one of us is a microcosm of the universe," says the artist. Romi has appropriated the stainless steel material, often considered either industrial or masculine, to weave narratives engaging with feminine musings. In her recent body of work Cosmic Bloom: Iconography for a Reimagined World Order she seeks to explore new archetypes or perhaps even revive forgotten mythologies as a response to the several inter-connected and tangential issues surrounding sustainability, consumption, geology and ecology. She references subtle dichotomies while alluding to the power of empathy, resilience and nurture. This series is a thematic continuation of her two earlier bodies of work: The Golden Bough and Future Fossils.
February 8, 2018
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