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definition for: #scleroderma

March 23, 2015
1 Definition for Hashtag #scleroderma
The Scleroderma Foundation is the national organization for people with scleroderma and their families and friends. It was formed January 1, 1998, by a merger between the West Coast-based United Scleroderma Foundation and the East Coast-based Scleroderma Federation. The national office is headquartered in Danvers, Mass. Our Three-Fold Mission of Support, Education and Research ?Support: To help patients and their families cope with scleroderma through mutual support programs, peer counseling, physician referrals and educational information. ?Education: To promote public awareness and education through patient and health professional seminars, literature and publicity campaigns. ?Research: To stimulate and support research to improve treatment and ultimately find the cause of and cure for scleroderma and related diseases. scleroderma.org for more information on various chapters
March 23, 2015
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