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definition for: #supportresearch

October 17, 2017
1 Definition for Hashtag #supportresearch
Zero Copay Program Inc (ZCP Inc), a revolutionary pharmaceutical copay relief program, whose mission is to improve health care services for all involved – doctors, insurance companies, and most importantly, patients. ZCP Inc is focused on eliminating the patient’s copay when filling a prescription, and simplifying the process for health care providers. Commercially insured patients have the opportunity to obtain their prescribed FDA approved medications for $0 copay regardless of their deductible or coinsurance. Health care providers prescribe a product from our eligible products list via electronic, fax, or phone to a participating pharmacy. Participating pharmacies provide patient outreach the same day and hand deliver medications within 24 hours regardless if the prescribed medication needs a prior authorization. For every prescription processed through the program, ZCP will donate $1 to a charitable foundation in support of research, sending an important message of hope to families and individuals coping with illness.
October 17, 2017
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