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definition for: #t13

March 28, 2014
1 Definition for Hashtag #t13
NEW SPACE - OLD PLACE Located in the shadows of H&W?s legendary Samson & Goliath cranes and at the heart of Belfast?s impressive Titanic Quarter waterfront, the not for profit T13 Urban Sports Academy & Shared Cultural Space is representative of a pioneering vision of Belfast as a leading capital European Capital City in terms of sport, culture and commerce. As a self funded social-enterprise, the T13 model of sustainability is built on the virtues of our unique and original lifestyle initiative... The ?LiveIt Initiative? is based on three mail pillars shared space, economically sustainable social enterprise, and active lifestyles. AT T13 we do three things; - Adventure Learning - World-Class Events - Production http://***
March 28, 2014
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